Courtney Hollmon
If you’re reading this, know it’s okay.
It’s okay to not have it all figured out, to feel like life is more than you can handle at times. I’ve been there—feeling overwhelmed, putting up walls to protect myself, but also realizing that those same walls were keeping me from the very things I needed. I’ve been so mentally exhausted, trying to balance everything, that I couldn’t even recognize the person I’d become. And maybe that’s where you are now. Or maybe you’re just feeling like you’re stuck in a season that you can’t get out of. But I’m here to tell you: it’s okay.
There was a time when I got so caught up in trying to make everyone else happy. I was constantly trying to prove that I was enough—whether it was for my friends, my family, or even people who barely knew me. I would bend over backward to meet their expectations, to be the version of myself that I thought would make them happy. And somewhere along the way, I forgot about myself. I forgot what made me happy. I forgot what gave me peace.
I remember one moment vividly. I was so stressed out, juggling so much, and still feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. I was staying up late, waking up early, and running on empty, trying to make sure I wasn’t disappointing anyone. But I was completely falling apart on the inside. One day, I just broke down. I realized that no matter what I did, it would never be enough for everyone. I was sacrificing my happiness for the approval of others. And for what? To still feel unfulfilled?
It was at that moment I realized that if I wasn’t happy, nothing else mattered. The people who genuinely care about you want to see you happy, not exhausted from trying to be perfect for them. And from that point forward, I decided to start making myself a priority. I began to focus on what gave me peace—whether it was journaling, working out, or just spending quiet time by myself. I had to relearn how to take care of me.
The truth is, life can be hard. There will be seasons where you feel like you’re drowning, but the key is to not get stuck. It’s okay to feel lost or overwhelmed, but don’t stay there. Do the things that fill you back up, the things that make you happy. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and your happiness matters more than anything else.
So if you’re reading this, know that it’s okay to not have it all together right now. You’re allowed to take a step back and focus on yourself. Just don’t forget to build yourself back up, piece by piece, until you’re strong again. You deserve that.
Courtney H., University of South Carolina
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