Cammy L.
Photography by Alexandra Pentel
If you're reading this, I want to listen to you.
To be more clear, I want to listen to every single thing you have to say. No thought is too passing or fact too inconsequential. How could they be? They're yours and that makes them important to me.
Tell me everything from the games you played by yourself in your room as a child to what you had for lunch yesterday.
Tell me the highest thing you've ever jumped from and the biggest hill sledded down.
Tell me about your day and don't leave one single thing out.
I'm serious. Don't condense it at all, I want to hear the whole thing.
Tell me what thing made you laugh the hardest yesterday and what thought left you feeling a little bit sad.
Tell me why you don't like the major you chose and the fears you have for graduation.
Tell me how much you love your dog. I know I can't understand and listen to you the way he does but, tell me about him anyway.
Tell me the things you noticed on your walk to class that you can't believe that you've missed before.
Tell me how therapy went today and what you listened to in the car on the way there.
Tell me the worst thing you've ever cooked and what you did with the leftovers.
Tell me what your second grade teacher was like.
Tell me five smells that make you think of home.
Tell me your position on brushing your teeth in the shower. Time saver or weird?
Tell me an unpopular opinion.
Tell me what you wish was different about your life right now.
Tell me what is the best thing about your day.
Tell me anything at all.
You are giving answers to questions that are uniquely your own and I couldn't be happier to know all these new things about you. No one could answer all those questions the way you just did and no one ever will. I wish I had some advice to give you but I have nothing. Just my attention. You are intrinsically remarkable and I am so glad that you're here.
Tell me I'm asking you too many questions and that I need to slow down.
I'll tell you that we'll take a break for now, but I'll see you tomorrow.
Cammy L., University of Virginia
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